
I Think I Like This Bedding

Not that we have a nursery at the moment to even think of decorating (don't get me started on how sad that makes me) but I'm assuming we will have one in the somewhat near future depending on where we move to.

If we were having a girl I had everything set. I was going to go full steam ahead with a shabby chic theme and had tons of stuff already picked out and bookmarked on my comp. Boy stuff was always more difficult. The bedding I totally loved (still do) is a New Arrivals set and is seriously $400.00. For three pieces! It's vintage looking, 30's colors, everything I love, but way too expensive.

I like this Bananafish set. It's calming. It looks semi-vintage or at least I could accessorize with vintage stuff and it would be ok. Alex likes it too. I think we have a winner.

Now we just need a room to put it in.


Roshelle said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

What about the furniture?

Jennifer said...

Alicia, the furniture I have pretty much picked out but we don't have a place for it right now anyway. Plus we are starting out with a co-sleeper. I'm just so picky about bedding/decor and I'm afraid it'll be discontinued like another past favorite.

May T said...

Very cute! Is this the one we saw at BRU?

BiBiBebe said...

it is beautiful! i love it!

JackiJaguar said...

I loooovvvve that bedding! I'm jealous :)

Jennifer said...

May, nope it's a different set. I think I like this one much, much better. This one we'd have to order online.

Miranda said...

My advice is LOVE the bedding! I think it's really important to not just like it and think it's ok. It's important to love it because you'll spend a great deal of time looking at it.

I do really like that set!

osuraj said...

That is super cute, I love the colors!

Stephanie said...

I think that bedding is super sweet. :) We don't have a nursery either and it makes me super sad that we don't have one to decorate or get ready for the babies. I just keep thinking someday when we move to a house we can have a room for them. *sigh* But for now it makes me sad.