
And the Ax Falls

Remember how worried I was yesterday regarding Alex's layoff, job search, possible moving? Yeah well, it's gotten worse. Looks like I'm getting laid off at the end of the school year. I have no words right now, just tears.


kim said...

I am so sorry. :(

I know it must be terrifying since you have a baby on the way, but you, Alex and the baby will be OK.

Muznah said...

omg im so sorry to hear about that. is this all post-recession happenings? but dont worry there's always a way out and you wont even know it but you'll be fine. *prayers*

Jill said...

OH no!!! I'm so sorry to hear that! You will make it through, though, and you will be stronger for it. Sending lots of hugs and prayers!

Danse said...

I'm so, so sorry.

kate said...

Oh I'm so sorry you're being put through that additional stress. I hope things will sort themselves out soon. ((hugs))

Stephanie said...

I'm so sorry. :( That is awful.

Cate said...

I'm so very sorry. I'll be keeping the three of you in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I AM SO SORRY! How could they do that??? You've been there forever. Are others getting laid off too? Does this have to do with your maternity leave? If you suspect it, that's illegal. Need any Ukrainian hit men? They're cheap!

Thinking about you...

Rebecca said...

I'm sorry to hear that! I will be thinking of you!